Notice of Annual Ordinary General Meeting 2022

The Nemea Agricultural Winery Cooperative invites its members to the Annual Ordinary General Assembly which will be held on Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 10:00 am. at the company’s premises, at 130 L. Papakonstantinou Street-Nemea with the following subjects:

1. Submission and approval of the Financial Statements for the fiscal year 2021 (1/1-31/12/2021) as well as the Reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditors in accordance with the ELP.

2. Exoneration of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any responsibility for the events of the 2021 financial year.

3. Election of Sworn Auditors-Accountants for the control of the Financial Statements for the year 2022 and determination of their remuneration.

In case of non-quorum, the General Assembly will be repeated next Sunday, June 26, 2022 at the same place, at the same time and with the same topics.

Only members who have settled their financial obligations to A.O.S.N. participate in the General Assembly.

For A.O.S.N.

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mazos Ilias